Saturday, October 1, 2011


who am I, I am who I am

I am kindness, I am mild and meak. I am smiles and giggles. I am head to feet. I am sweet. I am me. I am who. I am happy, I am sad. I like to work with my head with all my heart. Give me huge and i'll show you the smallest part. I can see, deep down into. Hearts truly glow. I am trust with a dash of blush. I am souly exactly whom I always wanted just to be. Eyes and ears deep, heart pounding to help the helpless. Conform brokness. pour glitter and gold with the sunshine of Love. Singing lound with oh how he loves. I am who I am. Ask me once and open your eyes to see. I am only just me, but who I am is WHO I don't even have to try to be. I am me. Pulling up and look deep cause I am who I am and who I am is exactly whom I am supose to be :)

To: You With LOVE From:yep! Me :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


The experience of a very exhilarating night starts off with in the middle of  a women's convention with a room full of about 500 girls very hungry for God. A day full of time spent in service that morning, learning sessions in the day and of course shopping. We were at the Galaria mind you. A wonderful day. That night service began to take over our souls. The worship was amazing and we all felt the calling of our names. The alter call came at the end of a wonderful session with our amazing God. I seen as I walked up the floor, it covered in girls on there faces before God. There were tears falling and hearts crying out, hands raised and fulfillment ringing out. We all walked away with tear stained faces and full hearts. My girls, New life girls, stayed after falling on our faces before our wonderful father. We seen so many beautiful faces we all new and began to chat. Our leader Betty who is over all of our section in women's ministry, came up to our New Life girls and asked if we would pray for them. They seen the fire and the anointing that God had placed on us since the Bill Vanderbush conference. Our girls have a hunger and it just keeps growing. We thank Bill and his family and team for coming and bringing that wonderful revelation fire with him. They seen what we had, what had been going on in us and our church and wanted it themselves. Have you ever had someone follow you around saying, I need what you have. Whatever we have to do, we need it, we want it. impart it please. Our girls began to pray and proclaim the revelation and fire and power that God had bestowed upon them already to come forth. For revelation, miracles, signs and wonders to follow them. That the presence of God would overflow them. We all left in search of food of course, then went back to our rooms to relax and share with each other. Lee Ann asked Vicki, did you see something while we were in worship service. She had seen her and a look on her face that was unexplainable. Vicki said yes, we began to beg, oh what was it. Tell us, tell us :) She began to explain, she said I seen angel's throwing gold dust all over. Lee Ann said, did he tell you what it meant? She said no, I just seen it. WOW, we were in amazement and wanted to find out what it meant. I said well let's look at what gold means to God. It hold's significance I know. I continued to say well he is making streets of Gold in heaven for us. There are crowns of Gold. It is set in very highly and heavenly places. Gold must mean something great. We began to throw idea's back and forth. Feeding each other's revelations. I said well there is a story, of a guy that leigh had heard from a guy when he went and met Bill for the first time.  I began to tell Dudley's story. You have to know the story of Dudley to see the revelation we came to receive from our God, having angels come down from heaven just to sprinkle gold dust on us.

The story of Dudley goes like this.

There was Dudley in his prayer closet in the presence of God. Nothing out of the ordinary, he prays in his prayer closet all the time. He came out and his wife said, what did you get into. He said, I have only been in prayer what are you talking about. She said go look, it looks like you got into gold glitter.  He went and looked, he had gold all over every open place on his person. In Dudley's life, at this time he had witnessed a crime at his work and was a key witness in the court to this crime. The story fast forwards to him walking into the court room to testify. As soon as he walked in, the judge said what is this? Dudley still had gold all over him from being in the presence of God in his prayer closet that one day, when God decided to manifest something amazing. The judge said no Sr. not in my court room, go wash that off. Dudley went down to the restroom tried washing it off. The more he scrubbed, the more came and shined. He could not get it off. He walked back in. The judge said, no Sr. I told you to wash that off. I am not having this nonsense in my court room. The judge thinking it was glitter or just some prank. The judge said, bailiff go help him wash that off, so Dudley and the bailiff went to the restroom. The bailiff tried and tried washing it off. The bailiff could not. He became afraid, he said, when the judge tells you to do something you do it. I can not walk back in there, I am afraid of loosing my job. Dudley began to pray with the bailiff. In the process of this prayer, the bailiff received jesus christ in his life and gave his life to God. In having the gold god anointed him with, while him being in the presence of God had saved a soul. This bailiff gave his all to God, and God protected his job, he did not loose it.

Let's fast forward again, another instance that Dudley was in. He was shopping in walmart, he realized he was being followed. He had gotten more use to it as since he was covered in gold he received people following him and staring in wonder. He allowed this guy to follow him for a while. He finally decided well this guy had been following him for a good time now and turned to him and said Sr. can I help you. He said, I am sorry, God told me to come to walmart and find the guy with gold. You are the only guy with gold that I see. He began to tell Dudley that his arm was hurt. Dudley began to pray and the guy left healed. In this instance, this guy seen something that he needed. Dudley had what he needed to accept the miracle God had for him all along. In this guy's obedience he walked out healed, in no more pain.

My revelation of the combination of Dudley's story and what we had experienced God do and the vision of the angels spreading, and throwing gold on us as we lay on our face before God.

I spoke to the girls who had been down there in the front, they all said I was giving all that I am to God. Our whole life laid out and said here you can have it. Do what you will. We give all that we have, all that we are to you. One of the girls asked me why did you go up. What happened to you tonight. I said, I got saved. Now not the initial of accepting jesus in my life and giving my life to him. Some of my vision and understanding of being saved is that you give your life over to God and serve him, love him. I wanted him to have all that I was, am, and will be. I laid on my face and said here I am . You can have everything. All that I am I give to you. I believe the more you receive the more you give. We all was doing that on our knees and our faces buried in the presence of God. In doing so, I believe God recognized that.

Just like Dudley in his story, with him being anointed with the very attractive, glowing shine of gold, he was set on a mission. He seen and participated in more than those 2 stories. He seen hundreds come to know Jesus. Salvation, healing's, miracles followed him. God said  John 4:27 Herein is love made perfect withus, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as he is, even so are we in this world. As he is on the throne now, so are we in this world. 

The angels coming down and sprinkling the gold dust on us was God telling us you are anointed to go out and shine. You will have people who will follow you and see the wonderful glow about you. They will see what you have and need and want it that they will follow. You are anointed, to go out and perform miracles, signs, wonders. Go out and shine. Go out and glitter your anointing everywhere you go. We had been anointed by GOLD by our daddy by ANGELS. He set us in very heavenly places. VERY HEAVENLY PLACES. We are, as he is on the throne, so are we in this world, shining with a fresh anointing of GOLD mind you by ANGELS :)

As REVELATION of this hit us girls in our room, Our hearts raced, we filled with joy and wanted to scream to the world. One of the girls began jumping on the bed and fell off, bounced a few times more. We were overjoyed and fulfilled that our father set us in such heavenly places and had so much love for us, lowly us to anoint us with Gold. I ran down the hallway began nocking on all the rest of the girls in our groups room. BANG BANG BANG, God gave us the REVELATION!! Come here! Come here! They all came and we over excitedly told them what God showed us. IT WAS AMAZING!!!

Before we even knew the revelation of the angels coming down into our service and anointing us with gold. The meaning not even found yet. It had already came to pass. We had our head ministry leader and her church come to us and said, what do you have? We want it. Please pray for us. impart that into our lives. God is so good!!! The anointing was there, we were already shining like the sun. The gold was shinning off of us and we were ready to see, salvation, miracles, signs and wonders. What an amazing God we have. He always presents himself so beautifully. 

I believe I am to share this story to all, I believe that not only us girls that night received this gift. I believe that in everything that God show's even just one person they are to share. It is not only for them but for everyone. We are all the same, we are all children of God, weather you think so or not. He created us all and we are all children of God. All we did was get one on one with God and gave our life to him. We got into the presence of God. It wasn't just us New Life girls who were anointed with gold. It was all that were on their face before God in the front. 

This story is for everyone. We all can be anointed with the same gold and by wonderful angels. All you have to do is believe in Jesus. Give your life, place it in his hands. Let him hold you, let him wrap his loving arms around you and give all the broken pieces all the beautiful that you have and are. place it in his hands and he will give you gifts like none other can give. 

God gave me a burning desire to share this story of just a handful of girls at a women's convention experienced just being in the presence of God. Giving our life over to him. You have gifts and anointing stored up for you. He is so in love with us. 

I love you all so very much! God adores you and wants you to know that your are beautiful to him even on your face, tear stained that he loves you so much, he will send angels to anoint you with gold. YES YOU :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

One Human Being In One Strong Hand

One human being, who tends to make mistakes. who is not perfect, but this I say, look at the person you've been. Wondering how things turned out this way?  One kind word, was needed. Understanding of  things spoken. One human being is broken. Care or not, you need to find the right spot. Jump in and say, sorry today. To never hear, an utterance of care. Where you are, and where you could possibly stay. Forever Away. Love is all that has been shown to you, till this time. The Hurt has rose up and now, there needs to be an up. The one who has said, I love you no matter what. Broken and bruised. The heart has taken the beating. No other way to say than, hiding away. In the warmth of one strong  hand. With the love that is needed. He has always taken care. If not Human Being enough to fix the wrong. Stay there and play strong. For there will come a day that the Judged will stand before their actions. The love you were asked to have will be placed at your door step. The sad thing is then you will see, and all that you missed out on will be lost. The place you stand will be the place you've kept from this whole time. Realization will set in. O my where has my heart been? Give thought to everything you do. The things you say. Lifeand Death, come to stay, unless taken in one strong hand.

Novemer 9, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Your Whole Heart

When I do something. My whole heart is in. If I say your my friend, my whole heart is in. If I decide to help, My whole heart is in. When I do something. My whole heart is in. My whole heart is always open. Open to love, open to serve, open to you. My whole heart is in and my whole heart will come out. I believe if you want something to come out beautifully. You have to put your whole heart in. In anything you do. From your friends to the love of your life. To the calling God has placed on you. To the little things like just showing someone who don't know what love truly is. Put your whole heart in. Nothing is to small or to big. God gave you this heart. Now show it and live. God gave us one heart. Make that the start. In everything you touch. Everything you say. Everything you do. God loves you. :)

August 26, 2010


Do you feel broken sometimes? You know there has to be some way to fix you. Some way to find that one broken piece and put it back together and in it's right place. To find that special tool that will tweek everything just right. 
 Psalm 30:2 (NKJV)
2            O Lord my God, I cried out to You, 
            And You healed me. 
Isaiah 58:11 (NKJV)
11            The Lord will guide you continually, 
            And satisfy your soul in drought, 
            And strengthen your bones; 
            You shall be like a watered garden, 
            And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. 
Hosea 6:2 (NKJV)
2            After two days He will revive us; 
            On the third day He will raise us up, 
            That we may live in His sight. 
1 Peter 5:10 (NKJV)
10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.
 God is your tool. He is your restorer. He knows every peice and how to put it in place. Give your brokeness to God and he will restore you. Through the Hurt, through the pain. Just call his name. The healer, the redemer. The craftsman worker. The rebuilder. He can fix the broken. He can heal the lost. Put that broken piece in his hands. See how beautiful he mends :)

August 5, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

One Heart

Heart I comand you to stand up straight. Walk the right way. Give your all. Stand strong. Love hard. Cry out far. Say what you want to say. It can only go ONE way. Decipher the truth. Forgive all. Don't give up. Don't get stuck. Keep focus. Pump fast. Hold close. Break a little. There are some in need. BE bright. Think smart. HEaRT! We have ONE heart. We ask it to play all these parts. It is the bigest part of you. It's in everything you do. Keep it safe and understand how much mission it has on it's hands. Ask God to eneter in and think of how much more you can accomplish with just your ONE HeArT :) 
A heart for Jesus :)

August 4, 2010

I Beleive

I believe. I believe if your given a desire. You better go after what burns in your heart. I believe your life is layed out, from the start. I believe you can be anything you set out to be. I believe chains are made to be broken. I believe hills are meant to be climbed. I believe in strenght and purpose. All the time. I believe what you speak can be. I believe faith will set you free. I believe there are miracles, for them there are no words. I believe in life and not death. I believe in beauty. I believe in the word. I believe for you. I believe for me. I believe your heart, is your bigest part. I believe run far. I believe dream big. I believe in miracles. I believe your hearts desire is to dream big, run far. I believe you want to break the chains in your life. I believe you want to climb that mountain. I believe there is a purpose for you. I believe in your strenght. I believe the beauty rests in you. I believe if you open your heart, believe in his word, and walk by faith. You can do anything. I believe!

July 6, 2010